Deletion of site: pxc
Weekly update of contrib modules
Creation of site: pixelist
New module : feeds_tamper
Creation of site: acohen
Creation of site: mlannes
Creation of site: lwillem
Deletion of site: aeecm
Creation of site: uaecm
Installation of field_collection
Deletion of site: echangespho
Creation of site: epold
Creation of site: echangespho
Creation of site: forumtest
Deletion of site: forumtest
Deletion of site: ksi
Deletion of site: beret
Deletion of site: septiluce
Deletion of site: scrocquevieille
Deletion of site: jenselmetest
Deletion of site: jenselme
Deletion of site: accueil
Creation of site: accueilold
Deletion of site: ginfo
Deletion of site: ksitest
Creation of site: clubdrupal
Add block_class module.
Creation of site: rgrondin
Creation of site: accueiltest
Deletion of site: phytv
Deletion of site: msb
Creation of site: echangesphotest
Creation of site: pxc
Remove node_export as it is not used.
Update date 7.x-2.9 -> 7.x-2.10-rc1
Deletion of site: