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root / nginx_map @ d259a565

# Date Author Comment
d259a565 01/15/2015 12:00 PM Assos Assos

Creation of site: atrinhtest

674daa47 12/23/2014 08:36 PM Assos Assos

Creation of site: septiluce

f7ed75f1 12/17/2014 11:47 AM Julien Enselme

Creation of site: aeecm

eb7028bd 12/15/2014 03:31 PM Julien Enselme

Creation of site: lepagetest

7aef4316 12/05/2014 01:24 PM Julien Enselme

Rename blucetest in ksi.

aceb9ae7 12/05/2014 12:31 PM Assos Assos

Deletion of site: ksi

6bd64071 12/01/2014 01:13 PM Assos Assos

Deletion of site: jenselmenginx

7c435b4e 12/01/2014 01:11 PM Julien Enselme

Correct the script that regenerate the nginx map and regenerate the map.

  • Regenerate the map.
  • The map must be erased.
  • Lines must start with ~*^
94162853 12/01/2014 12:53 PM Assos Assos

Creation of site: jenselmenginx

e10ecfa5 10/13/2014 09:27 PM Julien Enselme

Add nginx_map.

Used to pass correct parameters to php-fpm.