'open', 'animation' => array( 'effects' => array( 'height' => 'height', 'opacity' => 'opacity', ), 'speed' => 500, ), 'effects' => array( 'siblings' => 'close-same-tree', 'children' => 'none', 'remember' => 0, ), 'filter' => array( 'type' => 'blacklist', 'list' => array(), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_enable(). */ function dhtml_menu_enable() { drupal_set_message(t('DHTML Menu offers a wide range of customization options. If you wish to change them, please visit the configuration page.', array('@url' => url('admin/config/user-interface/dhtml_menu'))), 'warning'); } /** * Implementation of hook_install(). * This will create our system variable defaults. * The benefit is that we do not need to pass defaults * to variable_get(), which allows centralization of defaults. */ function dhtml_menu_install() { variable_set('dhtml_menu_settings', _dhtml_menu_defaults()); } /** * Implementation of hook_uninstall(). * Only clears our variables, so a fresh installation can repopulate them. */ function dhtml_menu_uninstall() { // Settings. variable_del('dhtml_menu_settings'); } /** * #6000: 6.x-2.x upgrade. Custom blocks are gone, using preprocess instead. * - Fixing a variable typo in dhtml_menus_menus. * - Restore normal menu blocks. * - Setting dhtml_menu_menus to its initial settings. */ function dhtml_menu_update_6000() { variable_del('dhtml_menus_menus'); $res = db_query("SELECT delta, theme, weight, region, custom, throttle, visibility, pages, title FROM {blocks} WHERE status AND module = '%s'", 'dhtml_menu'); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { if ($row['delta'] == 1) { $module = 'user'; } else { $module = 'menu'; } db_query("UPDATE {blocks} SET status = 1, weight = %d, region = '%s', custom = %d, throttle = %d, visibility = %d, pages = '%s', title = '%s' WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' AND theme = '%s'", $row['weight'], $row['region'], $row['custom'], $row['throttle'], $row['visibility'], $row['pages'], $row['title'], $module, $row['delta'], $row['theme']); } variable_set('dhtml_menu_menus', array('navigation' => 1, 'primary-links' => 1, 'secondary-links' => 1)); return array(); } /** * #6001: 6.x-2.1 upgrade. A two-dimensional array is now used for these settings, indexing by module and block delta. */ function dhtml_menu_update_6001() { variable_set('dhtml_menu_menus', array('user' => array(1 => TRUE), 'menu' => array('primary-links' => TRUE, 'secondary-links' => TRUE))); return array(); } /** * #6002: 6.x-3.x upgrade. All existing variables are obsolete. */ function dhtml_menu_update_6002() { $s['slide'] = variable_get('dhtml_menu_use_effects', FALSE); $s['siblings'] = variable_get('dhtml_menu_hide_siblings', FALSE); // don't confuse people by removing this functionality. $s['doubleclick'] = TRUE; // add this new functionality. $s['clone'] = TRUE; // These settings are no longer needed. variable_del('dhtml_menu_use_effects'); variable_del('dhtml_menu_hide_siblings'); variable_del('dhtml_menu_duplicated'); variable_del('dhtml_menu_menus'); $var = array(); foreach ($s as $setting => $value) { if ($value) { $var[] = $setting; } } // Store new settings. variable_set('dhtml_menu_effects', $var); // Rebuild theme registry now that our theme functions got added. drupal_rebuild_theme_registry(); return array(); } /** * #7101: 7.x-1.x-dev upgrade (duplicated in 6.x-3.x). Remove two obsolete variables and rebuild all themes. */ function dhtml_menu_update_7101() { variable_del('dhtml_menu_theme_menu_item'); variable_del('dhtml_menu_theme_menu_item_link'); drupal_theme_rebuild(); return array(); } /** * #7102: Consolidate variables into one settings array. */ function dhtml_menu_update_7102() { $defaults = _dhtml_menu_defaults(); // As the settings have moved, read them individually. $settings['nav'] = variable_get('dhtml_menu_nav', $defaults['nav']); $settings['animation'] = array( 'effects' => variable_get('dhtml_menu_animations', $defaults['animation']['effects']), 'speed' => variable_get('dhtml_menu_speed', $defaults['animation']['speed']), ); $settings['effects'] = array( 'siblings' => variable_get('dhtml_menu_siblings', $defaults['effects']['siblings']), 'children' => variable_get('dhtml_menu_children', $defaults['effects']['children']), // Entirely new setting. 'remember' => $defaults['effects']['remember'], ); $settings['filter']['list'] = variable_get('dhtml_menu_disabled', array()); // Write the consolidated settings. variable_set("dhtml_menu_settings", $settings); // Clear the old settings. foreach (array('nav', 'siblings', 'children', 'animations', 'speed', 'disabled') as $key) { variable_del("dhtml_menu_$key"); } return array(); } /** * #7103: Rename "pseudo-child" to "clone". */ function dhtml_menu_update_7103() { $settings = variable_get('dhtml_menu_settings'); if ($settings['nav'] == 'pseudo-child') { $settings['nav'] = 'clone'; variable_set('dhtml_menu_settings', $settings); } return array(); } /** * #7104: Theme registry interceptor is dead. */ function dhtml_menu_update_7104() { variable_del('dhtml_menu_theme'); }