CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Technical details INTRODUCTION ------------ Current Maintainers: * Devin Carlson Media CKEditor provides a bridge between Media and the stand-alone CKEditor module, allowing files to be embedded within a textarea using the media browser. REQUIREMENTS ------------ Media CKEditor has one dependency and needs three libraries. Contributed modules * CKEditor - The latest development release. Libraries * CKEditor - Version 4.3 or later. * CKEditor Line Utilities plugin - Compatible with the installed version of CKEditor. * CKEditor Widget plugin - Compatible with the installed version of CKEditor. INSTALLATION ------------ * Install Media CKEditor via the standard Drupal installation process: ''. * If you weren't previously using the CKEditor WYSIWYG client-side editor, download the CKEditor library ( and extract it to 'sites/all/libraries' or 'sites/sitename/libraries' as you require. The extracted folder must be named 'ckeditor'. * Download the Line Utilities plugin (, extract it and move it into the 'plugins' directory of the 'ckeditor' folder so that it is available at 'ckeditor/plugins/lineutils'. * Download the Widget plugin (, extract it and move it into the 'plugins' directory of the 'ckeditor' folder so that it is available at 'ckeditor/plugins/widget'. * Enable the 'Convert Media tags to markup' filter for the desired text formats from the Text Formats configuration page: '/admin/config/content/formats'. * Enable the 'Plugin for embedding files using Media CKEditor' Media CKEditor plugin for the desired text formats from the CKEditor configuration page: '/admin/config/content/ckeditor'. * Disable CKEditor's Advanced Content Filter for each of the text formats.