Menu Icons Module ================================================================================ DESCRIPTION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This module allows you to upload an image in the menu-item's configuration form. The uploaded image is added as an background image to the menu item. USAGE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After installing the module you can configure its global settings by navigating to: admin/config/user-interface/menu_icons. Uploading an image for a menu-item can be done at the menu items settings form (e.g.: admin/structure/menu/item/1/edit). The text of the menu item can be hidden by the adding the following CSS code to your theme's stylesheet: .menu_icon { display: block; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 100%; } DRUSH: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nb: if you clear cache with drush without a site explicitly configured, the CSS generated by menu icons will be incorrect. This is due to a limitation of drush, in that it doesn't know the site's URL if you don't tell it. To pass the site's URL, use the -l flag to drush, or better yet, permanently configure drushrc.php. For more information, see: and