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Assos Assos
<!-- @file Instructions for subtheming using the Sass Starterkit. -->
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Assos Assos
<!-- @defgroup subtheme_sass -->
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<!-- @ingroup subtheme -->
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Assos Assos
# Sass Starterkit
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Below are instructions on how to create a Bootstrap sub-theme using a Sass
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- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
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- [Additional Setup](#setup)
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- [Overrides](#overrides)
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## Prerequisites
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Assos Assos
- Read the @link getting_started Getting Started @endlink and @link subtheme Sub-theming @endlink documentation topics.
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Assos Assos
- You must understand the basic concept of using the [Sass] CSS pre-processor.
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- You must use a **[local Sass compiler](https://www.google.com/search?q=sass+compiler)**.
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- You must use the [Bootstrap Framework Source Files] ending in the `.scss`
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extension, not files ending in `.css`.
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## Additional Setup {#setup}
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Download and extract the **latest** 3.x.x version of
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[Bootstrap Framework Source Files] into the root of your new sub-theme. After
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it has been extracted, the directory should be renamed (if needed) so it reads
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If for whatever reason you have an additional `bootstrap` directory wrapping the
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first `bootstrap` directory (e.g. `./THEMENAME/bootstrap/bootstrap`), remove the
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wrapping `bootstrap` directory. You will only ever need to touch these files if
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or when you upgrade your version of the [Bootstrap Framework].
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{.alert.alert-warning} **WARNING:** Do not modify the files inside of
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`./THEMENAME/bootstrap` directly. Doing so may cause issues when upgrading the
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[Bootstrap Framework] in the future.
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## Overrides {#overrides}
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The `./THEMENAME/sass/_default-variables.scss` file is generally where you will
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spend the majority of your time providing any default variables that should be
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used by the [Bootstrap Framework] instead of its own.
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The `./THEMENAME/sass/overrides.scss` file contains various Drupal overrides to
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properly integrate with the [Bootstrap Framework]. It may contain a few
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enhancements, feel free to edit this file as you see fit.
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The `./THEMENAME/scss/style.scss` file is the glue that combines:
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`_default-variables.scss`, [Bootstrap Framework Source Files] and the
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`overrides.scss` file together. Generally, you will not need to modify this
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file unless you need to add or remove files to be imported. This is the file
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that you should compile to `./THEMENAME/css/styles.css` (note the same file
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name, using a different extension of course).
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#### See also:
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- @link templates Templates @endlink
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Assos Assos
- @link subtheme_settings Theme Settings @endlink
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Assos Assos
- @link registry Theme Registry @endlink
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[Bootstrap Framework]: http://getbootstrap.com
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[Bootstrap Framework Source Files]: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass
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[Sass]: http://sass-lang.com |