Theme Structure --------------- In this directory there are three folders: - at_core - at_admin - at_subtheme AT Core ------- The core base theme, includes the pluggable layout system, templates, polyfill scripts, forms, very basic CSS used by core and some admin pages and a couple CSS files for some theme settings styles, all the core function overrides and all the core Extension features available to your sub-themes. You can safely ignore this theme, it's merely there to run in the background and do the heavy lifting. For developers the code is well commented and I have tried to structure the theme so its easy to follow. Suggestions, improvements and of course patches are welcome. AT Admin -------- An administration theme, use is entirely optional. This theme was carried forward from the Drupal 6, which did not have a default admin theme like Drupal 7's Seven theme. AT will work just as well with both admin themes, either Seven or AT Admin, however issues could arise if you try to use something like Rubrik or Root Candy (both untested). AT Core heavily styles its theme settings pages and there is no accounting for what other admin themes might break. AT Subtheme ----------- The blank "starterkit" type theme for building your own sub-theme. This is the one you need and will be most interested in if you are developing a new theme. Instructions are included in the README in this theme. Note from the developer... -------------------------- I hope you enjoy this theme and it provides the tools and experience you are looking for. I have spent countless hours developing Adaptivetheme in the hope that it will ease theme development and make your job a little bit more enjoyable. I enjoy developing and using this theme, I hope you do as well. At some stage you may need support or simply have a question, or even a bold new suggestion - please see the issue queue first and submit issues there: Happy theming! Jeff Burnz