uri, $destination, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Unable to copy {$file->uri} to $destination."); } } } /** * Implements hook_uninstall(). */ function media_uninstall() { // Remove variables. variable_del('media_dialog_theme'); variable_del('media_icon_base_directory'); variable_del('media_icon_set'); variable_del('media_show_deprecated_view_modes'); // Dialog options. variable_del('media_dialogclass'); variable_del('media_modal'); variable_del('media_draggable'); variable_del('media_resizable'); variable_del('media_minwidth'); variable_del('media_width'); variable_del('media_height'); variable_del('media_position'); variable_del('media_zindex'); variable_del('media_backgroundcolor'); variable_del('media_opacity'); // bulk edit option variable_del('media_bulk_upload_edit'); } /** * Implements hook_update_dependencies(). */ function media_update_dependencies() { // media_update_7200() needs to convert old 'media' permissions to new 'file' // permissions, so it must run before file_entity_7208 which updates existing // 'file' permissions to be split per file type. $dependencies['file_entity'][7208] = array( 'media' => 7200, ); // This update function requires field_update_7002() to run before it since // the field_bundle_settings variable has been split into separate variables // per entity type and bundle. $dependencies['media'][7016] = array( 'field' => 7002, 'rules' => 7205, ); // Those updates require {file_type} table created. $dependencies['media'][7204] = array( 'file_entity' => 7201, ); // Require {file_type}.mimetypes column before updating them. $dependencies['media'][7208] = array( 'file_entity' => 7210, ); $dependencies['media'][7212] = array( 'file_entity' => 7210, ); return $dependencies; } /** * Implements hook_requirements(). */ function media_requirements($phase) { $t = get_t(); // Make sure that file_entity module is 2.x version. // We can't add this check in .info file because drupal.org testbot can't // handle it. See #1734648. $requirements = array(); if ($phase == 'update') { $info = system_get_info('module', 'file_entity'); if (strpos($info['version'], '7.x-2') === FALSE) { $requirements['file_entity'] = array( 'title' => $t('File entity 2.x'), 'value' => $t('Wrong version'), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, 'description' => $t('Media 2.x requires File entity 2.x. Please download the correct version and make sure you have deleted the file_entity folder inside the media module directory.', array('@url' => 'http://drupal.org/project/file_entity')), ); } } if (module_exists('entity_translation')) { if ($phase == 'update' || $phase == 'install' || $phase == 'runtime' ) { $entity_translation_info = system_get_info('module', 'entity_translation'); $et_installed_version = $entity_translation_info['version']; $et_installed_datestamp = $entity_translation_info['datestamp']; $march3rd_entity_translation_timestamp = 1488530885; if (!isset($entity_translation_info['version']) || !isset($entity_translation_info['datestamp'])) { $et_installed_datestamp = 1488530884; } if ($et_installed_datestamp < $march3rd_entity_translation_timestamp) { $description = $t('Your entity_translation installation version: %version is too old. media requires entity_translation at least beta6 from march 3 2017 or newer. Your choice is to either upgrade entity_translation or to disable it.', array('%version' => $et_installed_version)); $requirements['entity_translation']['description'] = $description; $requirements['entity_translation']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['entity_translation']['value'] = $et_installed_version; $requirements['entity_translation']['title'] = $t('Entity translation (when installed) with Media'); drupal_set_message($description, 'error', TRUE); } } } return $requirements; } /** * Deprecated update function. */ function media_update_7000() { } /** * Deprecated update function. */ function media_update_7001() { } /** * Create the media_type table from the media_types variable. */ function media_update_7002() { if (db_table_exists('media_type')) { return; } $schema['media_type'] = array( 'description' => 'Stores the settings for media types.', 'fields' => array( 'name' => array( 'description' => 'The machine name of the media type.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'label' => array( 'description' => 'The label of the media type.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'base' => array( 'description' => 'If this is a base type (i.e. cannot be deleted)', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, 'size' => 'tiny', ), 'weight' => array( 'description' => 'Weight of media type. Determines which one wins when claiming a piece of media (first wins)', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, 'size' => 'normal', ), 'type_callback' => array( 'description' => 'Callback to determine if provided media is of this type.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => FALSE, 'default' => '', ), 'type_callback_args' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'not null' => FALSE, 'size' => 'big', 'serialize' => TRUE, 'description' => 'A serialized array of name value pairs that will be passed to the callback function', ), ), 'primary key' => array('name'), ); db_create_table('media_type', $schema['media_type']); drupal_load('module', 'media'); $old_types = variable_get('media_types', array()); foreach ($old_types as $type) { // Was an error in the original creation. if (isset($type->callbacks)) { unset($type->callbacks); } $type->name = $type->machine_name; unset($type->machine_name); db_merge('media_type') ->key(array('name' => $type->name)) ->fields((array) $type) ->execute(); } variable_del('media_types'); } /** * We now prefix media namespaced variables with media__, so fix old variables. */ function media_update_7003() { drupal_load('module', 'media'); foreach (media_variable_default() as $variable => $value) { if (($test = variable_get('media_' . $variable, TRUE)) == variable_get('media_' . $variable, FALSE)) { media_variable_set($variable, $test); variable_del('media_' . $variable); } } } /** * Empty update function to trigger a menu rebuild. */ function media_update_7004() { } /** * Deprecated update function. */ function media_update_7005() { } /** * Rename the file table to file_managed in case head2head was used. */ function media_update_7006() { if (db_table_exists('file') && !db_table_exists('file_managed')) { db_rename_table('file', 'file_managed'); } } /** * Deprecated update function. */ function media_update_7007() { } /** * Empty function. */ function media_update_7008() { } /** * Deprecated update function. */ function media_update_7009() { } /** * Deprecated update function. */ function media_update_7010() { } /** * Empty update function. */ function media_update_7011() { } /** * Empty update function. */ function media_update_7012() { } /** * Work around a core bug where text format cacheability is not updated. * * @see http://drupal.org/node/993230 */ function media_update_7013() { $formats = filter_formats(); foreach ($formats as $format) { $format->filters = filter_list_format($format->format); // filter_format_save() expects filters to be an array, however // filter_list_format() gives us objects. foreach ($format->filters as $key => $value) { $format->filters[$key] = (array) $value; } filter_format_save($format); } } /** * Rename the media__dialog_get_theme_name variable to media__dialog_theme. */ function media_update_7014() { if ($old_value = variable_get('media__dialog_get_theme_name')) { variable_del('media__dialog_get_theme_name'); variable_set('media__dialog_theme', $old_value); } } /** * Empty update function to trigger a registry rebuild. */ function media_update_7015() { } /** * Convert Media entities to File entities. * * This update function requires field_update_7002() to run before it since * the field_bundle_settings variable has been split into separate variables * per entity type and bundle. * * @see http://drupal.org/node/1418708 * @see http://drupal.org/node/1211008 */ function media_update_7016() { // Allow File Entity module to take over the {file_managed}.type field. It // will create new indexes as it needs to, but it doesn't know about old ones, // so delete them. if (db_index_exists('file_managed', 'file_type')) { db_drop_index('file_managed', 'file_type'); } module_enable(array('file_entity')); // Move all field instances from Media entity to File entity. $instances = field_read_instances(array('entity_type' => 'media'), array('include_inactive' => TRUE, 'include_deleted' => TRUE)); foreach ($instances as $instance) { // Skip the old self-referencing file field. It will be deleted later in // this function. if ($instance['field_name'] === 'file') { continue; } // @todo Convert this to use _update_7000_field_read_fields() $fields = field_read_fields(array('id' => $instance['field_id']), array('include_inactive' => TRUE, 'include_deleted' => TRUE)); $field = $fields[$instance['field_id']]; // There is no API for updating the entity_type foreign key within field // data storage. We can do a direct db_update() for when the default SQL // storage back-end is being used, but must skip updating fields that use a // different storage type. if ($field['storage']['type'] !== 'field_sql_storage' || !module_exists('field_sql_storage') || !$field['storage']['active']) { $messages[] = t('Cannot update field %id (%field_name) because it does not use the field_sql_storage storage type.', array( '%id' => $field['id'], '%field_name' => $field['field_name'], )); continue; } // Update the data tables. $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field); $revision_name = _field_sql_storage_revision_tablename($field); db_update($table_name) ->fields(array('entity_type' => 'file')) ->condition('entity_type', 'media') ->condition('bundle', $instance['bundle']) ->execute(); db_update($revision_name) ->fields(array('entity_type' => 'file')) ->condition('entity_type', 'media') ->condition('bundle', $instance['bundle']) ->execute(); // Once all the data has been updated, update the {field_config_instance} // record. db_update('field_config_instance') ->fields(array('entity_type' => 'file')) ->condition('id', $instance['id']) ->execute(); } // Update the field_bundle_settings configuration variable: move media bundle // settings to file bundles, and move settings of the old self-referencing // file field to the new file pseudo-field. foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($instance['field_name'] === 'file' && !$instance['deleted']) { $file_settings = field_bundle_settings('file', $instance['bundle']); $media_settings = field_bundle_settings('media', $instance['bundle']); $file_settings = array_merge($file_settings, $media_settings); if (isset($instance['widget']['weight'])) { $file_settings['extra_fields']['form']['file']['weight'] = $instance['widget']['weight']; } if (isset($instance['display'])) { foreach ($instance['display'] as $view_mode => $display) { if (isset($display['weight'])) { $file_settings['extra_fields']['display']['file'][$view_mode]['weight'] = $display['weight']; } if (isset($display['type'])) { $file_settings['extra_fields']['display']['file'][$view_mode]['visible'] = ($display['type'] != 'hidden'); } } } field_bundle_settings('file', $instance['bundle'], $file_settings); } } // Delete old media bundle settings. db_delete('variable') ->condition('name', db_like('field_bundle_settings_media__') . '%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); // Copy field formatter settings of old self-referencing file field to file // pseudo-field formatter settings. $file_displays = variable_get('file_displays', array()); foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($instance['field_name'] === 'file' && !$instance['deleted']) { if (isset($instance['display'])) { foreach ($instance['display'] as $view_mode => $display) { if (isset($display['type']) && $display['type'] != 'hidden') { $file_formatter = 'file_field_' . $display['type']; $file_displays[$instance['bundle']][$view_mode][$file_formatter]['status'] = TRUE; if (isset($display['settings'])) { $file_displays[$instance['bundle']][$view_mode][$file_formatter]['settings'] = $display['settings']; } } } } } } variable_set('file_displays', $file_displays); // Delete the old self-referencing file field instances. If all instances are // deleted, field_delete_instance() will delete the field too. foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($instance['field_name'] === 'file' && !$instance['deleted']) { field_delete_instance($instance); } } field_cache_clear(); } /** * Move file display configuration. * * Move file display configurations from the 'file_displays' variable to the * {file_display} table. */ function media_update_7017() { // If the {file_display} table doesn't exist, then the File Entity module's // update functions will automatically take care of migrating the // configurations. However, if file_entity_update_7001() has already run // prior to media_update_7016(), run it again in order to capture those // configurations too. if (db_table_exists('file_display') && function_exists('file_entity_update_7001')) { module_load_include('install', 'file_entity', 'file_entity'); file_entity_update_7001(); } } /** * Empty update function to trigger a menu rebuild. */ function media_update_7018() { } /** * Update old view mode formaters. * * Update old per-view-mode media field formatters to the generic media * formatter with a setting. */ function media_update_7019() { $instances = array(); $fields = field_read_fields(array('type' => 'media'), array('include_inactive' => TRUE)); foreach ($fields as $field) { $instances = array_merge($instances, field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field['id']), array('include_inactive' => TRUE))); } foreach ($instances as $instance) { $update_instance = FALSE; foreach ($instance['display'] as $view_mode => $display) { if (in_array($display['type'], array('media_link', 'media_preview', 'media_small', 'media_large', 'media_original'))) { $update_instance = TRUE; $instance['display'][$view_mode]['type'] = 'media'; $instance['display'][$view_mode]['settings'] = array('file_view_mode' => $display['type']); } } if ($update_instance) { field_update_instance($instance); } } } /** * Delete the wysiwyg_allowed_types variable if it is the same as default. */ function media_update_7020() { if (variable_get('media__wysiwyg_allowed_types') == array('image', 'video')) { variable_del('media__wysiwyg_allowed_types'); } } /** * Rerun media_update_7002() due to a typo that would prevent table creation. */ function media_update_7021() { media_update_7002(); } /** * Replace 'view media' perm from all users having the role with 'view file'. */ function media_update_7200() { $perms = user_permission_get_modules(); if (!isset($perms['view files'])) { throw new DrupalUpdateException('The File Entity module needs to be upgraded before continuing.'); } else { $roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'view media'); $permissions = array( 'view media' => FALSE, 'view files' => TRUE, ); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { user_role_change_permissions($rid, $permissions); } $roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'edit media'); $permissions = array( 'edit media' => FALSE, 'edit any files' => TRUE, ); if (function_exists('file_entity_list_permissions')) { unset($permissions['edit any files']); foreach (file_entity_permissions_get_configured_types() as $type) { $permissions += file_entity_list_permissions($type); } } foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { user_role_change_permissions($rid, $permissions); } $roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'administer media'); $permissions = array( 'administer media' => FALSE, 'administer files' => TRUE, ); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { user_role_change_permissions($rid, $permissions); } } } /** * Handle existing media fields. * * Enable the new Media Field module if this site uses "media" fields. File * fields are now preferred for storing media. */ function media_update_7201() { $fields = field_info_fields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'media') { // This update function may run even if Media is not enabled. Don't enable // Media Field if its dependencies aren't already enabled. module_enable(array('mediafield'), FALSE); // Update entries in file_usage so that they are associated with Media // Field rather than Media. // @TODO This update function may conflict with // http://drupal.org/node/1268116 db_update('file_usage') ->condition('module', 'media') ->fields(array('module' => 'mediafield')) ->execute(); return t('The "Media" field type has been moved to the new "Media Field" module. This site uses media fields, so the Media Field module has been enabled.'); } } return t('The "Media" field type has been moved to the new "Media Field" module. File fields can be used to store media.'); } /** * Enable the Views module if it is not already enabled. */ function media_update_7202() { module_enable(array('views')); if (!module_exists('views')) { throw new DrupalUpdateException('The Views module must be downloaded and available for Media updates to proceed.'); } } /** * Empty update function to trigger cache clear. */ function media_update_7203() { // Do nothing. } /** * Update old Media view modes to the new File Entity ones. */ function media_update_7204() { $view_mode_updates = array( 'media_preview' => 'preview', 'media_small' => 'teaser', 'media_large' => 'full', ); // Update the media__wysiwyg_default_view_mode variable. $wysiwyg_default_view_mode = variable_get('media__wysiwyg_default_view_mode'); if (isset($wysiwyg_default_view_mode) && isset($view_mode_updates[$wysiwyg_default_view_mode])) { $wysiwyg_default_view_mode = $view_mode_updates[$wysiwyg_default_view_mode]; variable_set('media__wysiwyg_default_view_mode', $wysiwyg_default_view_mode); } // Update view mode references in the 'field_bundle_settings' variable. $field_bundle_settings = variable_get('field_bundle_settings'); if (!empty($field_bundle_settings['file'])) { foreach ($field_bundle_settings['file'] as $file_type => $info) { // Per-bundle information about the view modes. foreach ($view_mode_updates as $old_view_mode => $new_view_mode) { if (isset($info['view_modes'][$old_view_mode])) { $field_bundle_settings['file'][$file_type]['view_modes'][$new_view_mode] = $info['view_modes'][$old_view_mode]; unset($field_bundle_settings['file'][$file_type]['view_modes'][$old_view_mode]); } // The File Entity module defaults to not use custom settings for the // new view modes, but the Media module used to default to using custom // settings, so if this variable is not defined, use the prior default. if (!isset($field_bundle_settings['file'][$file_type]['view_modes'][$new_view_mode]['custom_settings'])) { $field_bundle_settings['file'][$file_type]['view_modes'][$new_view_mode]['custom_settings'] = TRUE; } } // Settings for the "extra fields" configured on the Manage Display page. if (!empty($info['extra_fields']['display'])) { foreach ($info['extra_fields']['display'] as $extra_field_name => $extra_field_info) { foreach ($view_mode_updates as $old_view_mode => $new_view_mode) { if (isset($extra_field_info[$old_view_mode])) { $field_bundle_settings['file'][$file_type]['extra_fields']['display'][$extra_field_name][$new_view_mode] = $extra_field_info[$old_view_mode]; unset($field_bundle_settings['file'][$file_type]['extra_fields']['display'][$extra_field_name][$old_view_mode]); } } } } } } variable_set('field_bundle_settings', $field_bundle_settings); // Move settings for fields attached to files from the old view modes to the // new ones. $instances = field_read_instances(array('entity_type' => 'file')); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $updated = FALSE; foreach ($view_mode_updates as $old_view_mode => $new_view_mode) { if (isset($instance['display'][$old_view_mode])) { $instance['display'][$new_view_mode] = $instance['display'][$old_view_mode]; unset($instance['display'][$old_view_mode]); $updated = TRUE; } } if ($updated) { field_update_instance($instance); } } // Move "Manage file display" settings from old view modes to new ones. $file_display_names = db_query('SELECT name FROM {file_display}')->fetchCol(); foreach ($file_display_names as $old_file_display_name) { list($file_type, $view_mode, $formatter) = explode('__', $old_file_display_name, 3); if (isset($view_mode_updates[$view_mode])) { $view_mode = $view_mode_updates[$view_mode]; $new_file_display_name = implode('__', array($file_type, $view_mode, $formatter)); db_delete('file_display')->condition('name', $new_file_display_name)->execute(); db_update('file_display')->fields(array('name' => $new_file_display_name))->condition('name', $old_file_display_name)->execute(); } } // Update file/image/media fields that use a formatter that reference an old // file view modes to reference the new ones. foreach (field_read_instances() as $instance) { if (!empty($instance['display'])) { $updated = FALSE; foreach ($instance['display'] as $instance_view_mode => $display) { if (isset($display['settings']['file_view_mode']) && isset($view_mode_updates[$display['settings']['file_view_mode']])) { $instance['display'][$instance_view_mode]['settings']['file_view_mode'] = $view_mode_updates[$display['settings']['file_view_mode']]; $updated = TRUE; } } if ($updated) { field_update_instance($instance); } } } // Update formatter settings that reference the old view modes within saved // Views. if (db_table_exists('views_display')) { $result = db_select('views_display', 'v')->fields('v', array('vid', 'id', 'display_options'))->execute(); foreach ($result as $record) { if (!empty($record->display_options)) { $display_options = unserialize($record->display_options); if (_media_update_7204_update_views_display_options($display_options, $view_mode_updates)) { db_update('views_display') ->fields(array('display_options' => serialize($display_options))) ->condition('vid', $record->vid) ->condition('id', $record->id) ->execute(); } } } } // Update formatter settings that reference the old view modes within unsaved // Views in the CTools object cache. Objects in the CTools cache are instances // of classes, so the Views module must be enabled to unserialize it // correctly. if (db_table_exists('ctools_object_cache') && module_exists('views')) { $result = db_select('ctools_object_cache', 'c')->fields('c', array('sid', 'name', 'obj', 'data'))->condition('obj', 'view')->execute(); foreach ($result as $record) { $view = unserialize($record->data); if (!empty($view->display)) { $updated = FALSE; foreach ($view->display as $display_name => $display) { if (!empty($display->display_options) && _media_update_7204_update_views_display_options($display->display_options, $view_mode_updates)) { $updated = TRUE; } } if ($updated) { db_update('ctools_object_cache') ->fields(array('data' => serialize($view))) ->condition('sid', $record->sid) ->condition('name', $record->name) ->condition('obj', $record->obj) ->execute(); } } } } // Clear caches that might contain stale Views displays. if (module_exists('views')) { cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_views', TRUE); cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_views_data', TRUE); } if (module_exists('block')) { cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_block', TRUE); } cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_page', TRUE); // We still have the old media_link and media_original view modes that must be // supported for now. // @TODO: Make this apply only to updates from Media 1.x. // @see media_entity_info_alter() variable_set('media__show_deprecated_view_modes', TRUE); } /** * Drop the unused {media_list_type} table. */ function media_update_7205() { if (db_table_exists('media_list_type')) { db_drop_table('media_list_type'); return t('Dropped the unused {media_list_type} table.'); } } /** * Move default file display configurations to the database. */ function media_update_7206() { module_load_include('inc', 'file_entity', 'file_entity.file_api'); module_load_include('inc', 'ctools', 'includes/export'); $default_image_styles = array( 'preview' => 'square_thumbnail', 'teaser' => 'medium', 'full' => 'large', ); // Only needed by sites that updated from Media 1.x. // @see media_entity_info_alter() if (variable_get('media__show_deprecated_view_modes')) { $default_image_styles['media_original'] = ''; } // Clear out the ctools cache so that the old default implementations // are removed. ctools_export_load_object_reset('file_display'); foreach ($default_image_styles as $view_mode => $image_style) { $existing_displays = file_displays_load('image', $view_mode, TRUE); // Only insert default config into the database if no existing // configuration is found. if (!isset($existing_displays['file_image'])) { $display_name = 'image__' . $view_mode . '__file_image'; $display = array( 'api_version' => 1, 'name' => $display_name, 'status' => 1, 'weight' => 5, 'settings' => array('image_style' => $image_style), 'export_type' => NULL, ); file_display_save((object) $display); } } } /** * Trigger cache clear. * * Empty update function to trigger cache clear after changing access callbacks * to file_entity_access. */ function media_update_7207() { // Do nothing. } /** * Drop the media_types table and migrate files to file_entity types. */ function media_update_7208() { // Reset static cache to ensure our new file types are recognized drupal_static_reset('ctools_export_load_object_table_exists'); if (!db_table_exists('media_type')) { // No types to migrate. return; } // @see http://drupal.org/node/1292382 if (!function_exists('file_type_get_enabled_types')) { throw new DrupalUpdateException('The File Entity module needs to be upgraded before continuing.'); } else { $existing_types = db_select('media_type', 'mt') ->orderBy('weight') ->fields('mt') ->execute() // Will key by the name field. ->fetchAllAssoc('name'); foreach ($existing_types as &$type) { $type->type_callback_args = unserialize($type->type_callback_args); } include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/file.mimetypes.inc'; $mapping = file_mimetype_mapping(); // We do not migrate this type, since there is no way to handle its weight. unset($existing_types['default']); foreach ($existing_types as $type) { $extensions = isset($type->type_callback_args['extensions']) ? $type->type_callback_args['extensions'] : array(); $mimetypes = isset($type->type_callback_args['mimetypes']) ? $type->type_callback_args['mimetypes'] : array(); // Add mimetypes by extensions. foreach ($extensions as $extension) { if (isset($mapping['extensions'][$extension])) { $type->mimetypes[] = $mapping['mimetypes'][$mapping['extensions'][$extension]]; } } // Add rest mimetypes. foreach ($mimetypes as $mimetype) { // Mimetype is a regex pattern. foreach ($mapping['mimetypes'] as $mapping_mimetype) { if (preg_match($mimetype, $mapping_mimetype) && !in_array($mapping_mimetype, $type->mimetypes)) { $type->mimetypes[] = $mapping_mimetype; } } } $type->streams = isset($type->type_callback_args['streams']) ? $type->type_callback_args['streams'] : array(); $type->type = $type->name; // Merge existing type with new ones. if ($new_type = file_type_load($type->name)) { $new_type->mimetypes = array_merge($type->mimetypes, $new_type->mimetypes); if (!empty($new_type->streams)) { $new_type->streams = array_merge($type->streams, $new_type->streams); } else{ $new_type->streams = $type->streams; } } else { $new_type = $type; } file_type_save($new_type); } db_drop_table('media_type'); // Special treatment for old media application type to new file_entity // document one. Add some more mimetypes to document. $document_type = file_type_load('document'); if (!$document_type) { return; } foreach ($mapping['mimetypes'] as $mimetype) { $is_document = strpos($mimetype, 'document') !== FALSE || strpos($mimetype, 'application/vnd.ms-') !== FALSE; if ($is_document && !in_array($mimetype, $document_type->mimetypes)) { $document_type->mimetypes[] = $mimetype; } } file_type_save($document_type); } } /** * Enable the hidden media_migrate_file_types module to provide a UI to update * {file_managed}.type with the new file types provided by file_entity. */ function media_update_7209() { drupal_load('module', 'media_migrate_file_types'); if (_media_migrate_file_types_get_migratable_file_types()) { module_enable(array('media_migrate_file_types')); } } /** * Delete deceprated media__type_icon_directory variable. */ function media_update_7210() { variable_del('media__type_icon_directory'); } /** * Save a square_thumbnail image style in the database for legacy support if one * does not already exist. */ function media_update_7211() { $default_style = array( 'name' => 'square_thumbnail' ); // Clear the image cache to remove any old image styles that only exist in // code. cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_image', TRUE); // Check if the square_thumbnail image style exists. // The style will only exist if the user has customized it, otherwise it would // have been removed by clearing the image style cache. $existing_style = image_style_load('square_thumbnail'); // Save a square_thumbnail image style in the database for legacy support. // This is only necessary if a square_thumbnail image style doesn't already // exist. if (empty($existing_style)) { $style = image_style_save($default_style); $effect = array( 'name' => 'image_scale_and_crop', 'data' => array( 'width' => 180, 'height' => 180, 'weight' => 0, ), 'isid' => $style['isid'], ); image_effect_save($effect); } return t('Saved a square_thumbnail image style in the database for legacy support if one did not already exist.'); } /** * Utility function for update 7204. Updates display options within Views. */ function _media_update_7204_update_views_display_options(&$display_options, $view_mode_updates) { $updated = FALSE; // Update fields that use a formatter with a file_view_mode formatter setting. if (!empty($display_options['fields'])) { foreach ($display_options['fields'] as $field_name => $field_display) { if (isset($field_display['settings']['file_view_mode']) && isset($view_mode_updates[$field_display['settings']['file_view_mode']])) { $display_options['fields'][$field_name]['settings']['file_view_mode'] = $view_mode_updates[$field_display['settings']['file_view_mode']]; $updated = TRUE; } } } // Update Views that display files directly using a row plugin with a view // mode setting. if (isset($display_options['row_plugin']) && $display_options['row_plugin'] === 'file' && isset($display_options['row_options']['view_mode']) && isset($view_mode_updates[$display_options['row_options']['view_mode']])) { $display_options['row_options']['view_mode'] = $view_mode_updates[$display_options['row_options']['view_mode']]; $updated = TRUE; } return $updated; } /** * Re-create application file type for legacy reasons. */ function media_update_7212() { module_load_include('inc', 'file_entity', 'file_entity.file_api'); if (!file_type_load('application')) { $application = (object) array( 'api_version' => 1, 'type' => 'application', 'label' => t('Application'), 'description' => t('Multipurpose type - kept to support older sites.'), 'mimetypes' => array(), 'streams' => array( 'public', ), ); file_type_save($application); $application = file_type_load('application'); file_type_disable($application); } } /** * Remove the obsolete file_extensions variable. */ function media_update_7213() { $media_file_extensions = explode(' ', variable_get('media__file_extensions')); $file_entity_file_extensions = explode(' ', variable_get('file_entity_default_allowed_extensions', 'jpg jpeg gif png txt doc docx xls xlsx pdf ppt pptx pps ppsx odt ods odp mp3 mov mp4 m4a m4v mpeg avi ogg oga ogv weba webp webm')); // Preserve any custom file extensions. if (array_diff($media_file_extensions, $file_entity_file_extensions)) { $combined_file_extensions = array_unique(array_merge($file_entity_file_extensions, $media_file_extensions)); variable_set('file_entity_default_allowed_extensions', implode(' ' , $combined_file_extensions)); } variable_del('media__file_extensions'); } /** * Drop the legacy {media_filter_usage} table. */ function media_update_7214() { if (db_table_exists('media_filter_usage')) { db_drop_table('media_filter_usage'); } } /** * Skipped to run media_update_7217(). */ function media_update_7216() { // Do nothing. } /** * Copy file type icons to public files directory. */ function media_update_7217() { // Remove any trailing slashes from the icon base directory variable. $dir = variable_get('media__icon_base_directory'); if (!empty($dir)) { $dir = rtrim($dir, '/'); variable_set('media__icon_base_directory', $dir); } try { _media_install_copy_icons(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new DrupalUpdateException($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Drop the legacy {cache_media_xml} table. */ function media_update_7218() { if (db_table_exists('cache_media_xml')) { db_drop_table('cache_media_xml'); } variable_del('media__xml_cache_expire'); } /** * Enable the Media WYSIWYG submodule. */ function media_update_7219() { if (module_exists('wysiwyg')) { module_enable(array('media_wysiwyg')); } } /** * Delete the deprecated media__file_list_size variable. */ function media_update_7220() { variable_del('media__file_list_size'); } /** * Enable the Media Bulk Upload submodule. */ function media_update_7221() { if (module_exists('multiform') && module_exists('plupload')) { module_enable(array('media_bulk_upload')); } } /** * Delete the deprecated media__display_types_migration_mess variable. */ function media_update_7222() { variable_del('media__display_types_migration_mess'); } /** * Delete legacy variables. */ function media_update_7223() { variable_del('media__max_filesize'); variable_del('media__debug'); variable_del('media__xml_cache_expire'); variable_del('media__show_file_type_rebuild_nag'); variable_del('media__field_select_media_text'); variable_del('media__field_remove_media_text'); variable_del('media__browser_library_empty_message'); variable_del('media__browser_pager_limit'); variable_del('media__browser_viewtype_default'); } /** * Rename variables, removing variable namespace. */ function media_update_7224() { // Create an array of variables sans 'media' prefix. $variables = array('wysiwyg_title', 'wysiwyg_icon_title', 'wysiwyg_default_view_mode', 'wysiwyg_upload_directory', 'wysiwyg_allowed_types', 'wysiwyg_allowed_attributes', 'wysiwyg_browser_plugins', 'dialog_theme', 'import_batch_size', 'fromurl_supported_schemes', 'icon_base_directory', 'icon_set', 'show_deprecated_view_modes'); foreach ($variables as $variable) { // Find the value of the old variable. $value = variable_get('media__' . $variable); // Port the value of the variable if it was set. if (!is_null($value)) { variable_set('media_' . $variable, $value); } // Remove the old variable. variable_del('media__' . $variable); } } /** * Migrate variables to appropriate submodules. */ function media_update_7225() { $data = array( 'media_wysiwyg' => array( 'wysiwyg_title', 'wysiwyg_icon_title', 'wysiwyg_default_view_mode', 'wysiwyg_upload_directory', 'wysiwyg_allowed_types', 'wysiwyg_allowed_attributes', 'wysiwyg_browser_plugins', ), 'media_internet' => array( 'fromurl_supported_schemes', ), 'media_bulk_upload' => array( 'import_batch_size', ), ); foreach ($data as $module => $variables) { foreach ($variables as $variable) { // Only port variables to submodules if the submodule exists. if (module_exists($module)) { // Find the value of the old variable. $value = variable_get('media_' . $variable); // Port the value of the variable if it was set. if (!is_null($value)) { variable_set($module . '_' . $variable, $value); } } // Remove the old variable. variable_del('media_' . $variable); } } } /** * Grant existing user access to new media browser permission. */ function media_update_7226() { $roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'create files'); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { user_role_grant_permissions($rid, array('access media browser')); } }