Gpanels ------- Gpanels are drop in multi-column snippets for displaying blocks in vertical columns. How to use a Gpanel: 1. Copy and paste a Gpanel into your page.tpl.php file. 2. Copy and paste the region definitions to your themes .info file. 3. Clear the cache (in Performance settings) to refresh the theme registry. Now you can add blocks to the Gpanel regions. Gpanels are built with percentages and expand to fill their containing element, normally a DIV. They will stretch and compress so it does not matter how wide the page is, or what unit you use to set the page width. Gpanels in Page Templates ------------------------- You can paste a Gpanel almost anywhere in page.tpl.php and it will display correctly. If you embed a Gpanel into an existing region you may have to alter the conditional logic for the Gpanel to show up. Gpanels in Nodes ---------------- This is doable, please see the help page for instructions: Just Using the Markup for Node Layouts -------------------------------------- You can do this also, what I suggest is looking at the panels layouts and copying the code from the panel template file, then removing the PHP snippets. The HTML markup in each panels layout is the same as what gets generated by a Gpanel when it renders. You should remove the "panels-display" class from the main wrapper in the panels markup if you do this.