The Basics ========== VotingAPI is a framework for content voting and rating systems in Drupal. It does not directly provide any voting 'features' to users -- instead, it offers a consistent API for other module developers to build their voting and rating systems on top of. If you're an end user who just wants to rate nodes, check out some of the modules that use VotingAPI's framework: Fivestar UserReview Vote-Up-Down LoveHate Node Moderation ... and more. If you're a developer who wants to build a voting or rating related module, check out API.txt in the VotingAPI directory. Installation ============ Installing VotingAPI is pretty straightforward. Just copy the VotingAPI directory into your web site's /modules directory. Then, activate the module by visiting, where is the URL of your web site. Requirements ============ VotingAPI requires Drupal 4.7 or later.