LDAP Authorization Organic Groups: ---------------------- LDAP Authorization OG Storage: ---------------------- OG authorizations are stored in form gid-rid from the tables og (og.gid) and og_roles (og_roles.rid). E.G. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4. OG in Drupal 7 does not use machine names so numeric ids are the only way to store such identifiers. such as: $user->data = array( 'ldap_authorizations' => array( 'og_group' => array ( '3-2' => array ( 'date_granted' => 1329105152, ), '2-3' => array ( 'date_granted' => 1329105152, ), ), 'drupal_role' => array ( '7' => array ( 'date_granted' => 1329105152, ), '5' => array ( 'date_granted' => 1329105152, ), ), );