reCAPTCHA for Drupal ==================== The reCAPTCHA module uses the reCAPTCHA web service to improve the CAPTCHA system and protect email addresses. For more information on what reCAPTCHA is, please visit: DEPENDENCIES ------------ * reCAPTCHA depends on the CAPTCHA module. * Some people have found that they also need to use jQuery Update module. CONFIGURATION ------------- 1. Enable reCAPTCHA and CAPTCHA modules in: admin/modules 2. You'll now find a reCAPTCHA tab in the CAPTCHA administration page available at: admin/config/people/captcha/recaptcha 3. Register for a public and private reCAPTCHA key at: 4. Input the keys into the reCAPTCHA settings. The rest of the settings should be fine as their defaults. 5. Visit the Captcha administration page and set where you want the reCAPTCHA form to be presented: admin/config/people/captcha MAILHIDE INPUT FORMAT --------------------- The reCAPTCHA module also comes with an input format to protect email addresses. This, of course, is optional to use and is only there if you want it. The following is how you use that input filter: 1. Enable the reCAPTCHA Mailhide module: admin/modules 2. Head over to your text format settings: admin/config/content/formats 3. Edit your default input format and add the reCAPTCHA Mailhide filter. 4. Click on the Configure tab and put in a public and private Mailhide key obtained from: 5. Use the Rearrange tab to rearrange the weight of the filter depending on what filters already exist. Make sure it is before the URL Filter. Note: You will require the installation of the mcrypt PHP module in your web server for Mailhide to work: MULTI-DOMAIN SUPPORT -------------------- Since reCAPTCHA uses API keys that are unique to each domain, if you're using a multi-domain system using the same database, the reCAPTCHA module won't work when querying the reCAPTCHA web service. If you put the following into your sites/mysite/settings.php file for each domain, it will override the API key values and make it so multi-domain systems are capable. $conf = array( 'recaptcha_public_key' => 'my other public key', 'recaptcha_private_key' => 'my other private key', ); CUSTOM RECAPTCHA THEME ---------------------- You can create a custom reCAPTCHA theme widget by setting the theme of the reCAPTCHA form to "custom" in the reCAPTCHA administration page. This will output a custom form that is themeable through the theme function: theme_recaptcha_custom_widget(). If you don't implement this function, it is still quite easily customizable through manipulating the CSS. For more information on this, visit: THANK YOU --------- * Thank you goes to the reCAPTCHA team for all their help, support and their amazing Captcha solution