Superfish module About ----- This module allows for integration of jQuery Superfish plug-in with Drupal CMS. Requirement ----------- - Superfish library. Link: Installation instructions ------------------------- 1. Download and extract the Superfish library into the libraries directory (usually "sites/all/libraries"). Link: 2. Download and extract the Superfish module into the modules directory (usually "sites/all/modules"). Link: Drush users can use the command "drush superfish-plugin". 3. Go to "Administer" -> "Modules" and enable the module. Note: Though no longer required, using Libraries API is still recommended. Link: Upgrade instructions -------------------- Did you change any part of the module or the library? - If you did not change the module or the library; download the latest versions of the module and the library and upload them (replacing the old files). - If you did change the module or the library; use a visual comparison tool (such as Winmerge or Kompare, so on) in order to compare your current copy with its original one (you can find it at find out what was changed and do the same to the version you are upgrading to. WARNING: This is for experts only! - Please note that if you are upgrading from version 1.6 running update.php will cause error messages to appear. To resolve this go to "Administer" -> "Structure" -> "Blocks", click the "Configure" link for each Superfish block and click "Save block" button. Configuring the module ---------------------- - For block-specific settings go to "Administer" -> "Structure" -> "Blocks" and click the "Configure" link of the Superfish block. - For module settings go to "Administer" -> "Configuration" -> "User Interface" -> "Superfish". - Detailed configuration instructions can be found at How to style ------------ If you know CSS, even basics of it, designing won't be a big challenge. Here are some tips and tricks: A) Always use a DOM inspector utility (such as Firebug). B) Set the "Menu delay" option to a very high number such as 99999999. This will give you enough time to work with sub-menus. C) If you are not using the built-in styles, set the "Style" option to "None". D) Utilise the "Simple" style as reference; add the newly-created CSS file either to your theme CSS or as a new CSS file under the styles directory in the Superfish library (probably "sites/all/libraries/superfish/style"); putting it in the styles folder will automatically add it to the styles list in the block configuration. - More information can be found in the Superfish documentation at Support requests ---------------- You can request support here: How to help? ------------ Glad you asked that :) - Help find bugs! - Suggest new features! - Test the beta versions! - Translate the UI into your language!