LDAP User Module The core functionality of this module is provisioning and storage of an ldap identified Drupal user based on ldap attributes. In Drupal 6 this functionality was in ldap_synch, ldap_provision, ldap_profile, etc. This has been moved to one module centered on the Drupal User - LDAP User Entry data. ----------------- hooks relating ldap_user entities and drupal user entities ----------------- -- hook_user_create, hook_user_update, hook_user_delete should look for ldap_user entity with matching uid and deal with ldap_user entity appropriately. -- hook_ldap_user_create, hook_ldap_user_update, hook_ldap_user_delete should do appropriate things to user entity ---------------------- ldap user module use cases: ---------------------- Provide interface for manually working with LDAP identified user data. - create ldap indentified user (via ldap_user or user form). Perhaps on submission, drupal.user is created and. - edit ldap identified user (go directly to ldap_user entity and edit and/or add link to edit ldap_user to user forms) - associate existing user with ldap (add prepopulate link from user page to create ldap_user page.) Populate/Synch/Create/Update/Remove LDAP identified Drupal users via batch, hook responses, webservices ---------------------- Diagrams ---------------------- Sequence Diagram of $ldapUserConf->provisionDrupalAccount() method. http://www.gliffy.com/go/publish/3664260/