



Du 22/12/2013 au 20/01/2014


21:15 Révision 059a6f1e: Add piwik id for ftorregrosa
Florent Torregrosa
13:13 Révision 01a79e9a: Update to drupal 7.26
Assos Assos
13:13 Révision 31d7e494: Site blucetest
Assos Assos
12:22 Révision e0225b3a: Use myassos.cnf and myweb.cnf instead of asking for password
Julien Enselme
11:05 Révision 76f99b02: Creation of site: blucetest
Assos Assos


22:54 Révision 4543c6c7: Weekly update of contrib modules
Assos Assos


18:38 Révision 56383c7f: Uninstall: hierarchical_select
Assos Assos


19:05 Révision d8cb23f4: Deletion of site: pjury
Assos Assos


22:48 Révision 474d17cb: Deletion of site: lintecestlefeu
Assos Assos
22:45 Révision 2cb68693: Deletion of site: ldp
Assos Assos


20:02 Révision 3d4bd310: Deletion of site: shauville
Assos Assos
19:11 Révision b6eb95a3: Deletion of site: tjanvier
Assos Assos
19:11 Révision 8ce088e9: Deletion of site: qharbulot
Assos Assos
19:10 Révision 027841bb: Deletion of site: izus
Assos Assos
19:09 Révision b36fba14: Deletion of site: nonotest
Assos Assos
19:08 Révision 700f24bd: Deletion of site: lpomot
Assos Assos
19:06 Révision 584d90e0: Deletion of site: etorri
Assos Assos
19:06 Révision d1487683: Deletion of site: camara
Assos Assos
19:04 Révision 9fcc961e: Deletion of site: bspeziale
Assos Assos
19:01 Révision acf24e7b: Deletion of site: bsanchez-pin
Assos Assos
19:00 Révision 6e028621: Deletion of site: adeprey
Assos Assos
18:58 Révision 8b96aa18: Deletion of site: aagbokpat
Assos Assos


18:18 Révision edcb0bf0: no need to see git output
Julien Enselme
18:15 Révision 0c16dce5: check_if_work_tree_clean was renamed in work_tree_clean, mail requires an email address
Julien Enselme


23:49 Révision b50cb1c4: We must execute `git add $d7_dir_sites/all` because modules can have new files.
Julien Enselme
23:46 Révision dd54aff9: Weekly update of contrib modules
Assos Assos
10:06 Révision 9b79b9cc: drush cache must not be in git.
Assos Assos


00:10 Révision 7e47dade: Deletion of site: greigniertest
Assos Assos
00:09 Révision 4c8a0773: Deletion of site: nzabeetest
Assos Assos
00:08 Révision a766b936: Deletion of site: cdechy
Assos Assos
00:06 Révision dc45a079: Deletion of site: ftorregrosatest
Assos Assos
23:57 Révision 6d91f38e: Test added for git where posing trouble
We must use ` ` to launch function in a subshell, other wise the whole
script exit with the instruction 'exit 1' or '...
Julien Enselme
22:35 Révision 10669cc7: Ajout de pour avoir l'autocomplétion avec drush
Assos Assos
22:05 Révision 85ad3d82: Append of all multiassos project to git
Assos Assos
21:55 Révision 8f67371c: drush-backups doit être ignoré
Assos Assos

Formats disponibles : Atom