



Du 21/02/2014 au 22/03/2014


19:47 Révision 353560b3: SQL file is dumped on sas
Julien Enselme
19:42 Révision d0e0fe33: Create directory for rsync
Julien Enselme
19:41 Révision fc4db4e3: Move usefull functions.
Julien Enselme
19:36 Révision f556d6b9: Path error in rsync.
Julien Enselme
19:33 Révision 1bb5a230: Name error
Julien Enselme
19:29 Révision 5554e185: Correct copy and rsync folder.
Julien Enselme
19:29 Révision e8e4ed1e: Correct alias expand
Julien Enselme
19:21 Révision b79523b7: Paths must be relative to /home/assos
Julien Enselme
19:18 Révision af06b65b: Must expand aliases. A path was incorrect.
Julien Enselme
19:13 Révision 53fcb5c3: The PATH was wrong: the bin dir is in /home/assos
Julien Enselme
19:13 Révision f6a5e032: Update and so they can work with
Julien Enselme
12:44 Révision bbc3a083: Creation of site dkanaatest
Julien Enselme


15:42 Révision 06e9d071: Maintenant en local dans le jail webassos #374
Assos Assos
12:04 Révision b61ecc6c: Creation of site jenselmetest2
Assos Assos


00:03 Révision c5ae85b0: Add check_arguments and no need to display output of site_exists.
Julien Enselme
23:54 Révision c9d0efbc: works.
- Backup the correct database.
- We test if the site is new (no database).
- Tests on strings are done correctly.
- W...
Julien Enselme
23:53 Révision 3d719e63: Commit site creation before exiting, event if we don't init the database.
Julien Enselme
23:33 Révision 4ed597de: Correct tests
Julien Enselme
21:44 Révision 9987cca4: Correct output of 'boolean' function
Julien Enselme
21:30 Révision e480b7dc: `site_extits` has an invalid return value.
Julien Enselme
21:26 Révision 5adc00e9: Check at the top of the script whether the site exists.
Julien Enselme
21:25 Révision ae7db9c1: Invalid test for string equality
Julien Enselme
21:22 Révision 057e4d4b: Must use `function` to call function in a test
Julien Enselme
21:19 Révision 40dfeef4: Correct variable name error and function call error.
Julien Enselme
21:12 Révision 5ddbdfe4: Correct path error
Julien Enselme
21:08 Révision a3d7801f: When creating a new site for sync #375, it is unusefull to init the database.
Julien Enselme
20:59 Révision 71d02f8c: Add script to sync site as described in #375
Julien Enselme
19:29 Révision 60103d5a: Add a site_exists funcion to know whether a site exists or not.
Julien Enselme
14:55 Révision 771e6e2e: Remove .drush/ This was a temporary file.
Julien Enselme
14:48 Révision fa3809ff: Take into account drush aliases for #374.
Julien Enselme
14:37 Révision 55b49f2d: Add script to move assos' home
Julien Enselme


23:04 Révision b08d2851: Weekly update of contrib modules
Assos Assos


19:29 Révision 89b9051b: #364 : Change scripts for the next sites created.
Florent Torregrosa


10:58 Révision a1a003de: #364 : Script to change http to https in settings.local.php
Florent Torregrosa


19:48 Révision 4d8cf5d8: must modify database for default
Julien Enselme
19:43 Révision 94cf1d43: Default is alos special for database name
Julien Enselme
18:10 Révision fd64390e: We remove local sql if the script fails
Julien Enselme


17:17 Révision 3bb7f8e0: We must git add -A to take into account deleted files.
Julien Enselme
17:15 Révision 3eef768d: Update chmod: all scripts are executable.
Julien Enselme
16:57 Révision 9e14604f: Disable cas and unblock user 1.
Julien Enselme
16:18 Révision 22928687: We must also keep time to avoid unnecessary sync.
Julien Enselme
16:02 Révision 030e6b35: We can delete unused files when synching.
Julien Enselme
15:27 Révision 651f07b1: Auto conflict resolution for sites.php
Julien Enselme


23:07 Révision b858700c: Weekly update of contrib modules
Assos Assos


20:30 Révision 5c15f3cc: Deletion of site: annalestest
Assos Assos
20:29 Révision 541da2d6: Creation of site: oldannales
Assos Assos


23:00 Révision 3461d8cb: Weekly update of contrib modules
Assos Assos


12:04 Révision e8be57aa: Creation of site: beret
Assos Assos


16:10 Révision 64ad485a: More verbrose when waiting for git.
Julien Enselme


23:17 Révision 6c9579f7: Weekly update of contrib modules
Assos Assos


15:52 Révision c6e835af: Add annalestest to sites.php
Assos Assos


19:53 Révision 5a7e6170: Update :
- panels : 7.x-3.3 -> 7.x-3.4
- pdf_reader : 7.x-1.0-rc4 -> 7.x-1.0-rc5
Florent Torregrosa
19:36 Révision a55b4995: Remove a .gitignore in the themekey folder and the themekey folder.
Florent Torregrosa


12:23 Révision b8c29226: Add symlink pdelmastest.
Assos Assos
12:22 Révision 92b0ba80: Manualy add symlink to git.
Julien Enselme

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