Creation of site: adumeniltest
Weekly update of contrib modules
Deletion of site: jenselmetest2
Deletion of site: oldannales
Remove old and unused libraries cas.dgeo and superfish.
Creation of site: msb
Deletion of site: anomaliste
Deletion of site: listerik
Deletion of site: testmassiliades
Deletion of site: listonic
Creation of site dkanaatest
Creation of site jenselmetest2
Deletion of site: annalestest
Creation of site: oldannales
Creation of site: beret
Add annalestest to sites.php
Update :
Remove a .gitignore in the themekey folder and the themekey folder.
Add symlink pdelmastest.
Creation of site: pdelmastest
Deletion of site: ecmnext
Some sites were still on atest
git mv htmltest drupal7