Creation of site: adumeniltest
Check_arguments must use exit and no return
Uniformisation: from cmd to $(cmd).
Uniformized drush sql-dump (with --result-file and --gzip).
Sed syntax incorrect.
We must change all url patterns.
Use mysql to sync database instead of drush sql-sync.
Correct sed error.
Change source url in database the url of the copy.
Weekly update of contrib modules
Use df to inform on free disk space.
Change script so that the wrapper around functions are not needed any more. Use ProxyCommand in ~/.ssh/config
Deletion of site: jenselmetest2
Deletion of site: oldannales
Remove old and unused libraries cas.dgeo and superfish.
Creation of site: msb
Deletion of site: anomaliste
Deletion of site: listerik
Deletion of site: testmassiliades
Deletion of site: listonic
SQL file is dumped on sas
Create directory for rsync
Move usefull functions.
Path error in rsync.
Name error
Correct copy and rsync folder.
Correct alias expand
Paths must be relative to /home/assos
Must expand aliases. A path was incorrect.
Update and so they can work with
The PATH was wrong: the bin dir is in /home/assos
Creation of site dkanaatest
Maintenant en local dans le jail webassos #374
Creation of site jenselmetest2
Add check_arguments and no need to display output of site_exists. works.
Commit site creation before exiting, event if we don't init the database.
Correct tests
Correct output of 'boolean' function
site_extits has an invalid return value.
Check at the top of the script whether the site exists.
Invalid test for string equality
Must use function to call function in a test
Correct variable name error and function call error.
Correct path error
When creating a new site for sync #375, it is unusefull to init the database.
Add script to sync site as described in #375
Add a site_exists funcion to know whether a site exists or not.
Remove .drush/ This was a temporary file.
Take into account drush aliases for #374.
Add script to move assos' home
#364 : Change scripts for the next sites created.
#364 : Script to change http to https in settings.local.php must modify database for default
Default is alos special for database name
We remove local sql if the script fails
We must git add -A to take into account deleted files.
Update chmod: all scripts are executable.
Disable cas and unblock user 1.
We must also keep time to avoid unnecessary sync.
We can delete unused files when synching.
Auto conflict resolution for sites.php
Deletion of site: annalestest
Creation of site: oldannales
Creation of site: beret
More verbrose when waiting for git.
Add annalestest to sites.php
Update :
Remove a .gitignore in the themekey folder and the themekey folder.
Add symlink pdelmastest.
Manualy add symlink to git.
Creation of site: pdelmastest
#365 : No more need of tmp file.
#365 : Add newline between modules to improve readability.
#365 : Add script to have an overview of the usage of all modules.
Add .gz to sql backup files.
Enable compression on database dump for #223.
Counting method is more robust.
Deletion of site: ecmnext
#365 : now echo the number of result.
#223 : Set variables for performance.
Add verbosity for git in
Solves permission and base_url problems.
Manage sites.php
Add possibility for a config file
Some sites were still on atest
Reorganisation of other-scripts.
Drupal aliases did not take into account htmltest -> drupal7
mv-htmltest-drupal7: add verbose.
mv htmltest drupal7 was applied before running this script.
git mv htmltest drupal7
Take into account 'mv htmltest drupal7'
Add script to 'mv htmltest drupal7'