


| Branche: | Révision:

root @ 3a2b15dd

# Date Auteur Commentaire
3a2b15dd 14/02/2014 13:45 Julien Enselme

Reorganisation of other-scripts.

abba3f48 13/02/2014 17:17 Julien Enselme

Drupal aliases did not take into account htmltest -> drupal7

ef85b909 13/02/2014 16:57 Julien Enselme

mv-htmltest-drupal7: add verbose.

312a4195 13/02/2014 15:57 Julien Enselme

mv htmltest drupal7 was applied before running this script.

f7a2490e 13/02/2014 15:56 Assos Assos

git mv htmltest drupal7

94065d4e 13/02/2014 15:47 Julien Enselme

Take into account 'mv htmltest drupal7'

cf6a035a 13/02/2014 15:47 Julien Enselme

Add script to 'mv htmltest drupal7'

3753f249 12/02/2014 23:02 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

6c38d829 12/02/2014 00:10 Assos Assos

add theme rubik

a5572547 11/02/2014 13:18 Assos Assos

Update module_filter, dateical

be880f98 10/02/2014 22:04 Florent Torregrosa

Forget files from date_ical and module_filter update.

8a7e43dd 10/02/2014 22:02 Florent Torregrosa

Update date_ical and module_filter

235fe0f4 10/02/2014 21:43 Florent Torregrosa

Remove jw_player, themekey, zen, omega.

99184d11 10/02/2014 21:42 Assos Assos

Remove jwplayer library

289c1f45 09/02/2014 10:55 Florent Torregrosa

Remove folder modules in folder modules. Nothing to do here.

a500a624 07/02/2014 19:52 Julien Enselme

Add some checks.

fdbc8338 07/02/2014 19:23 Julien Enselme

Base url and perms are correct.

Need to improve permissions. The sites.php is not handled properly.

3cb08e71 05/02/2014 23:01 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

459d0870 01/02/2014 16:34 Julien Enselme

No need to ignore html any more.

011029ce 01/02/2014 16:33 Assos Assos

Update views_pdf 1.1 -> 1.3

7a9b0982 01/02/2014 14:53 Florent Torregrosa

Trying to have a better git report.

11987c58 31/01/2014 21:53 Florent Torregrosa

Add module honeypot

9e84cfde 31/01/2014 19:14 Julien Enselme

Deletion of Drupal 6

5fc58a68 31/01/2014 19:14 Julien Enselme

Switch from /dev/urandom to /dev/random

On FreeBSD urandom is just a link to random and it never blocks. Now even
on linux it is unlikely that random will block. More at:

018e218c 29/01/2014 22:54 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

ea5448eb 26/01/2014 22:05 Florent Torregrosa

Remove views_pdf-7.x-1.1.tar.gz from sites/all/modules.

ef903da4 26/01/2014 18:44 Julien Enselme

These script synchronises the site and make the proper modification to its settings.php

5b5ea032 26/01/2014 18:07 Julien Enselme

Sync everything. TODO: settings.php modification.

eb89704f 26/01/2014 12:00 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: emath

d09c725b 25/01/2014 15:44 Julien Enselme

ask_db_password is not needed any more.

ca5562d0 24/01/2014 19:34 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: centralefightclub

6a0d836b 24/01/2014 19:33 Julien Enselme

Wrong variable name in

64a65178 24/01/2014 19:01 Julien Enselme

Mail git repport is prettier.

c12e7e6a 22/01/2014 22:56 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

059a6f1e 16/01/2014 21:15 Florent Torregrosa

Add piwik id for ftorregrosa

01a79e9a 16/01/2014 13:13 Assos Assos

Update to drupal 7.26

31d7e494 16/01/2014 13:13 Assos Assos

Site blucetest

e0225b3a 16/01/2014 12:22 Julien Enselme

Use myassos.cnf and myweb.cnf instead of asking for password

76f99b02 16/01/2014 11:05 Assos Assos

Creation of site: blucetest

4543c6c7 15/01/2014 22:54 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

56383c7f 14/01/2014 18:38 Assos Assos

Uninstall: hierarchical_select

d8cb23f4 12/01/2014 19:05 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: pjury

474d17cb 11/01/2014 22:48 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: lintecestlefeu

2cb68693 11/01/2014 22:45 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: ldp

3d4bd310 10/01/2014 20:02 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: shauville

b6eb95a3 10/01/2014 19:11 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: tjanvier

8ce088e9 10/01/2014 19:11 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: qharbulot

027841bb 10/01/2014 19:10 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: izus

b36fba14 10/01/2014 19:09 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: nonotest

700f24bd 10/01/2014 19:08 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: lpomot

584d90e0 10/01/2014 19:06 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: etorri

d1487683 10/01/2014 19:06 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: camara

9fcc961e 10/01/2014 19:04 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: bspeziale

acf24e7b 10/01/2014 19:01 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: bsanchez-pin

6e028621 10/01/2014 19:00 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: adeprey

8b96aa18 10/01/2014 18:58 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: aagbokpat

edcb0bf0 09/01/2014 18:18 Julien Enselme

no need to see git output

0c16dce5 09/01/2014 18:15 Julien Enselme

check_if_work_tree_clean was renamed in work_tree_clean, mail requires an email address

b50cb1c4 08/01/2014 23:49 Julien Enselme

We must execute git add $d7_dir_sites/all because modules can have new files.

dd54aff9 08/01/2014 23:46 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

9b79b9cc 08/01/2014 10:06 Assos Assos

drush cache must not be in git.

7e47dade 08/01/2014 00:10 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: greigniertest

4c8a0773 08/01/2014 00:09 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: nzabeetest

a766b936 08/01/2014 00:08 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: cdechy

dc45a079 08/01/2014 00:06 Assos Assos

Deletion of site: ftorregrosatest

6d91f38e 07/01/2014 23:57 Julien Enselme

Test added for git where posing trouble

We must use to launch function in a subshell, other wise the whole
script exit with the instruction 'exit 1' or 'exit 0'.
We must use " around variable for test. Otherwise, we get a Unexpected
operator error.

10669cc7 07/01/2014 22:35 Assos Assos

Ajout de pour avoir l'autocomplétion avec drush

85ad3d82 07/01/2014 22:05 Assos Assos

Append of all multiassos project to git

8f67371c 07/01/2014 21:55 Assos Assos

drush-backups doit être ignoré

c01204bf 14/12/2013 15:17 Julien Enselme

Takes into account remarks from #343 (until comment 7)

1c1c5a42 14/12/2013 00:02 Julien Enselme

Script support git as described #343 to implement #191

4377ca71 13/12/2013 21:43 Julien Enselme

Fix coding style errors

1994f214 12/12/2013 22:08 Florent Torregrosa

Remove 'drush cc all' after 'drush updb' in d7 update contrib, with
drush v6 it is done with 'drush updb'.

3592dea0 09/12/2013 19:53 Julien Enselme

Remove drush aliases

ca35e79b 07/12/2013 19:17 Julien Enselme

Remove help: password is not an argument any more

88c2fb40 03/12/2013 00:09 Julien Enselme

Fix #339

mysqldump now reads .cnf files in order to get the password, user and host

364f9fdd 01/12/2013 16:17 Julien Enselme

Fix problems with sites.php and aliases.drushrc.php

The previous versions of these scripts rewrote both file without
any lines. Now the correct lines are written to the file.

c789b019 25/11/2013 18:41 Julien Enselme

Fix indent

19075841 25/11/2013 14:54 Florent Torregrosa

Put piwik sites in alphabetical order.

3b677135 25/11/2013 14:03 Julien Enselme

Piwik: each site have its piwik id as described in #230

4ca1d792 22/11/2013 19:13 Julien Enselme

adresse e-mail pour les màj: petits changements pour le rendre
effectif et plus flexible.

1fbc61c9 21/11/2013 21:24 Florent Torregrosa

Rename to as it can be used with core modules.

57c91050 21/11/2013 17:01 Julien Enselme modification de l'adresse à laquelle on envoie
les notifications de màj.

44360c7e 21/11/2013 13:31 Julien Enselme l'exception default est bien prise en compte

9d20c579 19/11/2013 14:50 Florent Torregrosa

Rename in

87504d03 19/11/2013 13:56 Florent Torregrosa

Adding comments on

8c5e4549 17/11/2013 11:35 Julien Enselme

Rapport par mail:

Devrait réduire la quantité d'info inutiles (voir #201)

d9dbe09c 15/11/2013 19:20 Julien Enselme devient verbeux

8ca5d720 15/11/2013 19:20 Julien Enselme simplification de la suppression de la ligne du sites.php

814eb317 15/11/2013 19:01 Julien Enselme

Dump-all: ask password when launch from command line

2346baf4 15/11/2013 18:21 Julien Enselme

Migration vers redmine: correction d'une regexp

10166730 13/11/2013 00:26 Julien Enselme

Piwik site id: all sites now get the proper piwik site id

e685b258 12/11/2013 17:37 Florent Torregrosa

Remove option --no-core from

95df3862 12/11/2013 17:33 Florent Torregrosa
  • Fix
  • Ignore private files in security review
  • Ignore eclipse's files in git
ebc0d13e 10/11/2013 21:58 Julien Enselme shopt n'est utile qu'en bash. La commande ne sert à rien en shell et n'existe pas

0e4152d9 10/11/2013 19:12 Julien Enselme

Mise en place des aliases de site

Ajout du script qui a généré les aliases
Modification de pour ajouter l'emplacement du fichier des alias
Modification des scripts de création et suppression de site pour la gestion des aliases

5a702e83 09/11/2013 21:43 Julien Enselme

Passage à drush 6.1.0

63ffb014 09/11/2013 19:23 Julien Enselme

fix-cas.rb: amélioration pour la correction des liens.

140af436 07/11/2013 21:35 Julien Enselme posait problème si on voulait modifier tout les
utilisateurs authentifié.

5185f38b 07/11/2013 15:09 Julien Enselme

Publication des scrits

Les scripts n'ont plus besion de page de wiki dédiée. La descrition est dans le script.