


Révision 7e72b748

Ajouté par Assos Assos il y a plus de 6 ans

Weekly update of contrib modules

Voir les différences:

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    <li> <strong>modalSize</strong>: an array of data to control the sizing of the modal. It can contain:
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  <li> <strong>type</strong>: Either <em>fixed</em> or <em>scale</em>. If fixed, the modal will always be a fixed size. If <em>scale</em> the modal will scale to a percentage of the browser window. <em>Default: scale</em>.
<li> <strong>width</strong>: If </em>fixed</em> the width in pixels. If <em>scale</em> the percentage of the screen expressed as a number less than zero. (For 80 percent, use .8, for example). <em>Default: .8</em></li>
<li> <strong>width</strong>: If <em>fixed</em> the width in pixels. If <em>scale</em> the percentage of the screen expressed as a number less than zero. (For 80 percent, use .8, for example). <em>Default: .8</em></li>
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<li> <strong>height</strong>: If <em>fixed</em> the height in pixels. If <em>scale</em> the percentage of the screen expressed as a number less than zero. (For 80 percent, use .8, for example). <em>Default: .8</em></li>
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<li> <strong>addWidth</strong>: Any additional width to add to the modal in pixels. Only useful if the type is scale. <em>Default: 0</em></li>
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<li> <strong>addHeight</strong>: Any additional height to add to the modal in pixels. Only useful if the type is scale. <em>Default: 0</em></li>
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function ctools_ajax_hello_world($js) {
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  $title = t('Greetings');
  $output = '&lt;p&gt;' . t('Hello world') . ''&lt;/p&gt;';
  $output = '&lt;p&gt;' . t('Hello world') . '&lt;/p&gt;';
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  if ($js) {
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    ctools_modal_render($title, $output);
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