


Révision c7b88c87

Ajouté par Assos Assos il y a presque 9 ans

Weekly update of contrib modules

Voir les différences:

67 67
      // The surrounding <div> ensures that the settings dialog expands.
68 68
      '#prefix' => '<div style="font-size: 90%">',
69 69
      '#suffix' => '</div>',
      '#markup' => t("Each item's Title and iCal view mode will be included as the SUMMARY and DESCRIPTION elements (respectively) in the VEVENTs output by this View.
      '#markup' => t("Each item's Title will be the SUMMARY and the rendered iCal view mode will be the DESCRIPTION in the VEVENTs output by this View.
71 71
        <br>To change the iCal view mode, configure it on the 'Manage Display' page for each Content Type.
        Please note that HTML will be stripped from the output (link URLs will become footnotes), to comply with iCal standards."),
        Please note that all HTML will be stripped from the output, to comply with iCal standards."),
73 73
74 74
75 75
    // Build the select dropdown for the text/node_reference field that the user

Formats disponibles : Unified diff