


Révision d719f12f

Ajouté par Assos Assos il y a plus de 8 ans

Weekly update of contrib modules

Voir les différences:

143 143
 * responsible for building the query. Instead, they are objects that are used
144 144
 * to display the view or make other modifications.
145 145
 * There are 10 types of plugins in Views:
 * There are several types of plugins in Views:
147 147
 * - Display: Display plugins are responsible for controlling *where* a view
148 148
 *   lives; that is, how they are being exposed to other parts of Drupal. Page
149 149
 *   and block are the most common displays, as well as the ubiquitous 'master'
431 431
      'label' => t('Published'),
432 432
      // This setting is used by the boolean filter handler, as possible option.
433 433
      'type' => 'yes-no',
      // use boolean_field = 1 instead of boolean_field <> 0 in WHERE statment.
      // use boolean_field = 1 instead of boolean_field <> 0 in WHERE statement.
435 435
      'use equal' => TRUE,
436 436
437 437
    'sort' => array(
602 602
 *   must be one of row, display, display_extender, style, argument default,
603 603
 *   argument validator, access, query, cache, pager, exposed_form or
604 604
 *   localization. The plugin name should be prefixed with your module name.
 *   The value for each entry is an associateive array that may contain the
 *   The value for each entry is an associative array that may contain the
606 606
 *   following entries:
607 607
 *   - Used by all plugin types:
608 608
 *     - title (required): The name of the plugin, as shown in Views. Wrap in
723 723
 *   - path: (optional) If includes are stored somewhere other than within the
724 724
 *     root module directory, specify its path here.
725 725
 *   - template path: (optional) A path where the module has stored it's views
 *     template files. When you have specificed this key views automatically
 *     template files. When you have specified this key views automatically
727 727
 *     uses the template files for the views. You can use the same naming
728 728
 *     conventions like for normal views template files.
729 729
859 859
 *   The View being executed.
860 860
 * @return
861 861
 *   An array with keys being the strings to replace, and the values the strings
 *   to replace them with. The strings to replace are ofted surrounded with
 *   to replace them with. The strings to replace are often surrounded with
863 863
 *   '***', as illustrated in the example implementation.
864 864
865 865
function hook_views_query_substitutions($view) {
924 924
 *   The view object about to be processed.
925 925
926 926
function hook_views_pre_build(&$view) {
  // Because of some unexplicable business logic, we should remove all
  // Because of some inexplicable business logic, we should remove all
928 928
  // attachments from all views on Mondays.
929 929
  // (This alter could be done later in the execution process as well.)
930 930
  if (date('D') == 'Mon') {
1153 1153
  // Replace Views' method for scrolling to the top of the element with your
1154 1154
  // custom scrolling method.
1155 1155
  foreach ($commands as &$command) {
    if ($command['method'] == 'viewsScrollTop') {
      $command['method'] .= 'myScrollTop';
    if ($command['command'] == 'viewsScrollTop') {
      $command['command'] .= 'myScrollTop';
1158 1158
1159 1159
1160 1160

Formats disponibles : Unified diff