


| Branche: | Révision:

root / htmltest / sites / all / modules / node_export @ 011029ce

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
  formats 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
  modules 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
  views 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
LICENSE.txt 17,7 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
README.txt 3,94 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
node_export.api.php 7,38 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git 9,67 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git 3,02 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git 421 octets 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
node_export.install 5,61 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
node_export.module 40 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git 19,4 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git 1,91 ko 85ad3d82 presque 11 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
85ad3d82 07/01/2014 22:05 Assos Assos

Append of all multiassos project to git

Voir les révisions


Node export README


  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Usage
  • Node export features tips


This module allows users to export nodes and then import it into another
Drupal installation, or on the same site.

This module allows user to export/import nodes if they have the 'export nodes'
or 'export own nodes' permission, have node access to view the node and create
the node type, and the node type is not omitted in node export's settings. The
module does not check access to the filter formats used by the node's fields,
please keep this in mind when assigning permissions to user roles.

Maintainer: Daniel Braksator (
Project page:

Note: this module was originally built upon code from the node_clone module
maintained by Peter Wolanin ( at which was derived from code posted by
Steve Ringwood ( at
Features integration, relations, and UUID initially developed by Tushar Mahajan
Significant improvements, file handling, and extra functionality pioneered by
James Andres (


  1. Copy node_export folder to modules directory (usually sites/all/modules).
  2. At admin/build/modules enable the Node export module in the Node export package.
  3. Enable any other modules in the Node export package that tickle your fancy.

For detailed instructions on installing contributed modules see:


  1. Enable permissions at admin/user/permissions. Security Warning: Users with the permission "use PHP to import nodes" will be able to change nodes as they see fit before an import, as well as being able to execute PHP scripts on the server. It is advisable not to give this permission to a typical node author, only the administrator or developer should use this feature. You may even like to turn this module off when it is no longer required. This module does not check access to the filter formats used by the node's fields, please keep this in mind when assigning permissions to user roles.
  2. Configure module at admin/settings/node_export.


  1. To export nodes, either:
    a) Use the 'Node export' tab on a node page.
    b) Use the Find content page (admin/content) to filter the nodes you
    wish to export and then choose 'Node export' under the 'Update options'.
    c) Use Drush:
    d) Create a Feature (see tips below)
    e) Create a View of nodes and use the Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module

  2. To import nodes that were exported with Node export, either:
    a) Use the form at 'Node export: import' under 'Add content'
    b) Use Drush:
    c) Using your created Feature.
    d) For advanced imports if you are familiar with the Feeds module, enable
    Node export feeds module to use with the Feeds import interface


Regarding the Node export features module which integrates with the Features
module, any nodes to be used with this must have a UUID (universally unique
ID). To export older nodes that don't have UUID make sure you have selected
the content type and click on 'create missings uuids' from
'admin/settings/uuid' under the fieldset 'Synchronize'. Then you should be
able to see more nodes under the feature component, If you don't see the node
export component, that means no nodes has been configured with UUID.

Formats disponibles : Atom