


| Branche: | Révision:

root / drupal7 / sites / all / modules / ldap / ldap_authorization @ 05237dd8

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
  ldap_authorization_drupal_role 05237dd8 presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
  ldap_authorization_og 05237dd8 presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
  tests 59ae487e presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract.class.php 19,4 ko 59ae487e presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
LdapAuthorizationConsumerConf.class.php 5,1 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
LdapAuthorizationConsumerConfAdmin.class.php 17 ko 59ae487e presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
README.txt 2,12 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7 5,14 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7 9,36 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
ldap_authorization.api.php 1,63 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7 21,7 ko 59ae487e presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules 813 octets 05237dd8 presque 7 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
ldap_authorization.install 11 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
ldap_authorization.module 13 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7 4,82 ko f7a2490e environ 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
05237dd8 01/06/2017 00:09 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

59ae487e 25/05/2017 00:10 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

be58a50c 23/03/2017 00:06 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

7547bb19 23/02/2017 00:12 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

5136ce55 10/08/2016 22:49 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

f7a2490e 13/02/2014 15:56 Assos Assos

git mv htmltest drupal7

Voir les révisions


Vocubulary of LDAP Authorization and its Code


The "consumer" or entity that authorization is being granted.

Examples: Drupal role, Organic Group group

"Consumer Type"

Machine ID of a consumer. This is used in naming conventionss.

Examples: drupal_role, og_group

"Consumer Module"

The module that bridges ldap_authorization and the consumer.
It needs to (1) provide a class: LdapAuthorizationConsumer
and (2) implement hook_ldap_authorization_consumer.

Examples: ldap_authorization_drupal_role

"Authorization ID" aka "Consumer ID"

The id of an individual authorization such as a drupal role or organic group.

Examples: "authenticated user", "admin" (for drupal roles)
Examples: "knitters on skates", "vacationing programmers" (og group names for organic groups)

"Consumer Configuration"

Configuration of how a users ldap attributes will
determine a set of Consumer ids the user should be granted.
Represented by LdapAuthorizationConsumerConf and LdapAuthorizationConsumerConfAdmin classes
and managed at /admin/config/people/ldap/authorization. Stored in ldap_authorization database table.

LDAP Server Configuration

Each Consumer Configuration will use a single ldap server configuration to bind
and query ldap. The ldap server configuration is also used to map the drupal
username to an ldap user entry.

LDAP Authorization data storage:

Authorization data is stored in user->data array

such as:

$user->data = array(
'ldap_authorizations' => array(
'og_group' => array (
'3-2' => array (
'date_granted' => 1329105152,
'2-3' => array (
'date_granted' => 1329105152,
'drupal_role' => array (
'7' => array (
'date_granted' => 1329105152,
'5' => array (
'date_granted' => 1329105152,

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