


| Branche: | Révision:

root / htmltest / sites / all / modules / date_ical @ 5fc58a68

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
  images 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
  includes 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
  tests 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
LICENSE.txt 17,7 ko 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
README.txt 9,25 ko 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
date_ical.api.php 8,66 ko 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git 928 octets 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
date_ical.install 1,83 ko 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
date_ical.make 154 octets 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git
date_ical.module 17 ko 85ad3d82 plus de 10 ans Assos Assos Append of all multiassos project to git

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# Date Auteur Commentaire
85ad3d82 07/01/2014 22:05 Assos Assos

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Date iCal

This module allows users to create iCal feeds in Views, and import iCal feeds
from other sites using the Feeds module. Any entity can act as the source of
events for an iCal feed, as long as that entity contains a Date field. Date
iCal creates a new iCal "view mode" for all entities, which is used to format
the Description field of the events in the iCal feed.

For an easier-to-read HTML version of these instructions, please go to and click the "Read documentation" link
in the Resources section of the right sidebar.


Date iCal has several required dependencies, and an optional one:

  • The Views, Entity API, Libraries API (version 2.0), and Date modules are required.
  • The iCalcreator library is required.
  • PHP 5.3 is required by the iCalcreator library to properly handle timezone data. Date iCal might work with PHP 5.2, but that configuration is untested and unsupported.
  • The Feeds module is optional, but it's needed to enable import of iCal feeds from other sites.

To install the iCalcreator library, download it from
using either git clone or the "Download Zip" button. Inside you'll find the file
iCalcreator.class.php. Copy that file to a folder in your Drupal site named

Or, if you have drush, install iCalcreator by running this command from your
site's root directory:
drush make sites/all/modules/date_ical/date_ical.make --no-core

Then clear the cache on your site, by using either "drush cc all"
or logging in to your site and going to Configuration -> Development ->
Performance and click the "Clear all caches" button. This is necessary because
libraries are cached, and you may see confusing behavior from Date iCal if the
iCalcreator library gets cached at a bad time.

To confirm that iCalcreator is installed correctly, log in to your Drupal site
and navigate to the admin/reports/status page. If the row titled "Date iCal" is
green, Date iCal is ready to go. If it's red, the iCalcreator library is not
properly installed. If it's missing, you'll need to enable Date iCal and then
come back to this page.

HOW TO CREATE AN ICAL FEED (using the iCal Entities plugin)

  1. Go to the Manage Display page for the content type you want to export in an iCal feed. On the "Default" tab, check the box for "iCal" in the section titled "Use custom display settings for the following view modes", then click Save.
  2. Click the new "iCal" tab that now appears in the upper-right corner of the Manage Display page for this content type.
  3. Set up the iCal view mode to contain whatever should be exported as the 'Description' field for the iCal feed. You can trim the text to the desired size, include additional information from other fields, etc.
  4. Do this for each of the content types that you wish to include in your site's iCal feeds.
  5. Create a new View that displays the entities that you want to include in the iCal feed.
  6. Add a "Feed" to the view. Change the Format to 'iCal Feed'. When you click Apply from that dialog, you'll be given the option to name the calendar. This name will appear in your users' calendar clients as the calendar's title.
  7. Change the Show setting to 'iCal Entity' (rather than 'Content' or 'Fields').
  8. In the settings for iCal Entity, select the date field that should be used as the event date for the iCal feed. Make sure that you choose a field that is a part of every entity that your View displays. Otherwise, the entities which don't have that field will be left out of the iCal feed.
  9. You may optionally choose a field that will be used to populate the Location property of events in your iCal feed. This field can be either a text field or a Node Reference field, in which case the title of the node will be used.
  10. Give the feed a path like 'calendar/%/export.ics', where you have a '/%/' for every contextual filter in the view.
  11. Make sure the Pager options are set to "Display all items".
  12. Add date filters or arguments that will constrain the view to the items you want to be included in the iCal feed.
  13. Attach the feed to a another view (usually a Page view that is displaying the same events). Be aware, though, that attaching the feed to a view with different output will not make the iCal feed include that output. It will always include the events which match the feed's filters.
  14. Save the View.
  15. Navigate to a page which displays the attached view. You should see the iCal icon at the bottom of the view's output. Clicking on the icon will subscribe your preferred calendar app the iCal feed. However, if you don't have a calendar app set up on your computer, you'll want to go back to the View settings page, click the Settings link next to "Format:iCal Feed", and check "Disable webcal://", then save your View. This will make the iCal icon download a .ics file with the events, instead of loading the events directly into a calendar app.

HOW TO CREATE AN ICAL FEED (using the iCal Fields plugin)
1-6.These steps are the same as above.

  1. Add views fields for each piece of information that you want to populate your iCal feed with. A Date field is required, and fields that will act as the Title and Description of the events are reccomended. You can also include a Location field.
  2. Back in the FORMAT section, change the Show setting to 'iCal Fields'.
  3. In the settings for iCal Fields, choose which views fields you want to use for the Date, Title, Description, and Location. 10+ These steps are the same as above.


  • Install the Feeds module, which acts as the framework around Date iCal's calendar import functionality.
  • Login to your Drupal site and navigate to the admin/structure/feeds page.
  • Click the "Add importer" link, and give it a name and description.
  • Clicking "Create" will bring you to the general Feeds importer settings page. This page displays some general information about makign Feeds importers, which you should familiarize yourself with.
  • In the left sidebar, you'll see "Basic settings", "Fetcher", "Parser", and "Processor". The Parser and Processor settings are what we're interested in.
  • In the Parser section, click "change". This will bring up the Parser selection page, on which you should select the radio button for "iCal Parser" and then click Save.
  • Now, under Processor, click the "Settings" link. Most of the time, you'll want to use the "Update existing nodes (slower than replacing them)" setting. Then select the Content type of the nodes you'd like to create from iCal events. You can leave the other settings as their defeaults, or change them as you need. Click Save.
  • Now click the "Mapping" link at the bottom of the left sidebar. This page is where you'll define how iCal event properties get mapped into your nodes' fields. Expand the "Legend" for a detailed description of each source and target field. Sources are the attributes available in iCal event objects. Targets are the fields in your nodes.
  • Most of this setup is going to be dependant upon how your content type's fields are configured, but there are some universal requirements: 1) You must map the "UID" source to the "GUID" target. Then, after clicking "Add", click the gear-shaped button that appears in the new table row, and check the "Unique" checkbox. Then click "Update", and then before you add any more mappings, click "Save" at the bottom of the page. 2) If you're going to map both the "Date start" and "Date end" sources, you MUST ensure that the "Date start" mapping is above the "Date end" mapping in the table. This is because of an implementation detail in the parser. 3) It's a good idea to map the "Summary" source to the "Title" target, and the "Description" source to whatever field is the "body" of the node.
  • Once you've completed all the mappings, click the "Save" button on the bottom left side of the page.
  • Now you can import the iCal feed into nodes by going to the /import page of your site (e.g. Click the link for the importer you just created, and enter the URL of the feed you'd like to import into the "URL" field. Click the "Import" button, and observe the progress.
  • Once it's done, you should see a green message saying "Created X nodes." If you do, you've successfully set up your iCal importer. If you get some other message, you'll need to tweak the importer's settings.

Additional Notes:
The Feeds plugin was originally written by ekes, for the "iCal feed parser"
module ( It was modified and
improved for Date iCal by coredumperror.

At this time, Date iCal supports outputting iCal calendars only through Views.
To put an "Add to calendar" button on individual event nodes, try the
Add to Cal module, or follow
the instructions created by the estimable nmc at:

Developers who wish to implement more powerful manipulation of event data can
read the date_ical.api.php file to learn about the various alter hooks that
date_ical exposes.

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