


| Branche: | Révision:

root / drupal7 / sites / all / themes / tao @ 96ad5adc

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
  drupal f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
  templates bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
LICENSE.txt 17,7 ko f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7 6,01 ko f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
base-rtl.css 188 octets f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
base.css 3,3 ko f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
drupal-rtl.css 1019 octets bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
drupal.css 7,52 ko bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
ie.css 167 octets bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
reset-rtl.css 388 octets f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
reset.css 1,36 ko f7a2490e plus de 10 ans Assos Assos git mv htmltest drupal7
screenshot.png 68,2 ko bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules 899 octets bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules
template.php 15,4 ko bfb52287 plus de 9 ans Assos Assos Weekly update of contrib modules

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
bfb52287 04/02/2015 22:41 Assos Assos

Weekly update of contrib modules

f7a2490e 13/02/2014 15:56 Assos Assos

git mv htmltest drupal7

Voir les révisions


Current state of Tao for Drupal 7

Many of the concepts in Tao for Drupal 6.x have been addressed by the theme layer of Drupal 7 in one way or another. As a result, various parts of Tao have been refactored and other parts are up in the air conceptually.

Key changes

  • $vars['attr'] is deprecated in templating and preprocessors. Use the D7 core handling through $attributesarray and $classesarray instead.
  • Custom js for fieldset collapsibility is deprecated. Tao now uses the default D7 js for fieldset collapsing.
  • themeformelement() in D7 properly marks form elements with their types.

@TODO / still concepting

  • Future of tao-based print-friendly stack.
  • Fully update README once all major changes are stabilized.


Tao is a base theme for Drupal that is all about going with the flow. It is not meant for general-purpose use, but instead takes care of several tasks so that sub-themes can get on with their job:

  • Aggressive resets of not only browser default styles but Drupal core defaults
  • Unification of several template families into a single consistent format (e.g. node.tpl.php, block.tpl.php, etc.)
  • Theme overrides of several core annoyances (fieldsets, pagers)
  • On-screen print stylesheet display and framework for further customized print styling

Tao makes several assumptions about how you, the themer, would like to work with Drupal and the theme system:

  • Minimize template overrides and leverage preprocessors as much as possible
  • Preference for generalized styling over exceptions and particular design of one-off elements
  • High degree of control over CSS, particularly selector specificity

Overview for subthemers

The following is a comprehensive list of things to know about Tao as a subthemer.

Alterations to core markup

Tao leaves most core element markup alone. When things don't make sense, however, it makes changes and aggressive ones at that. Here's a list of things to expect:

  • theme('fieldset')

The fieldset element in core has been retained but with additional markup for simpler theming. The legend element contains a sub-element span that can be positioned properly across browsers and the main contents of the fieldset follow other object templates with a .fieldset-content div.

  • theme('form_element')

To distinguish between different instances of the .form-item wrapper, Tao adds a .form-item-labeled class to labeled items and .form-item-option to checkboxes and radios.

  • theme('pager')

All numeric page links are grouped together into a ul.pager-list set. Next/previous links are grouped together under ul.pager-links.

  • theme('username')

All username instances are wrapped in an a.username or span.username.

Attributes and the $attr variable

The $vars['attr'] variable is the standard way for adding any HTML attribute to the major containing element of the corresponding template. The drupal_attributes($attr) is used in each template to render attributes. For example, to add a class to a node, you would add the following to your subtheme's node preprocessor:

$vars['attr']['class'] .= ' myclass';

CSS resets & removal

Tao implements an aggressive reset.css but also strips out the inclusion of many of the CSS files included in core with the exception of colors.css and locale.css (see for the specifics). Tao reimplements and consolidates Drupal core CSS styles in a way that will not affect a typographical or other strict grid in drupal.css that can be overridden by sub themes for even greater control.

Tao does not remove any contrib CSS added from other module directories, e.g. sites/all/modules or profiles/myprofile/modules.

Note: The main reason for the stripping of core CSS is to achieve consistent typography and grid layout. Many styles in Drupal core add inconsistent padding, line-height, and font-size adjustments to elements, making it extremely costly to hunt down individual instances and correct them.

Print preview

Tao allows a site's print stylesheets to be previewed by checking whether $_GET['print'] is set. For example, to preview a node's print stylesheets, you would go to Other niceties related to print, like support for full expansion of a book tree on print, has been added.

Say no to media='all'

Tao does not use the all key for any of its stylesheets and expects that you will not either. Be specific - if the stylesheet is for the screen, or for print, say so. Any stylesheet overrides your subtheme provides should use the same media key as the one in for the stylesheet that is being overridden.


  • reset.css provides browser CSS style resets and core styling resets. Override this in your subtheme only if you need to add or omit certain reset styles.
  • drupal.css` reimplements core CSS styles that are functionally important without allowing any modifications to a typographical or layout grid.
  • base.css provides very basic structural, non-aesthetic styling for many elements. See inline comments for more information.
  • print.css is a default print stylesheet. Override this in your subtheme to alter print styling entirely.

Template unification

All of the following theme functions go through the exact same template in Tao (with the exception of node and fieldset which go through slightly modified versions for better usability and compatibility with contrib modules):

  • theme('block')
  • theme('box')
  • theme('comment')
  • theme('fieldset')
  • theme('node')

The template is designed to follow a strict pattern. Each element is classed as such:


with the name of its hook and then the type of wrapping element within the template. For example, for a node, the following elements are provided: .node-title, .node-content, .node-links etc. For comments, the corresponding classes would be .comment-title, .comment-content, .comment-links and so on.


  • yhahn (Young Hahn)

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